Our Passion for Nutrition
“We are a company of dedicated people making quality products for a healthier world.”
— W.K. Kellogg
At Kellogg, our best day is providing a quality start for families everywhere. And at the heart of everything we do is W.K. Kellogg’s original promise, sealed with his signature on everything we create.
Right From the Start

More than 100 years ago, W.K. Kellogg recognised the possibilities in a single grain. And with the simple goodness of his toasted corn flakes, breakfast cereal was born.
Motivated by a passion to help people improve their health, Kellogg embraced every opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people he touched.
That’s why the Kellogg Company was the first in the food industry to hire a registered dietician, Mary Barber, to run the Kellogg’s home economics department and provide nutrition education to families. Kellogg was the first company to print nutrition messages and product information on cereal boxes so that we all could make more informed decisions about the foods we eat. And Kellogg was the first to fortify its cereals so that all of us could enjoy a more healthful start to our mornings.
Our Best in Every Bite
Today our cereals still begin with the wholesome simplicity of wheat, corn, oats or rice. Next we add quality ingredients to boost the flavour and potential of our grains. Then we share it all with you — in the Kellogg’s cereals that you know, trust and love.

And because every grain comes with nutrition and taste, we’re able to create cereals that best cater to you and your needs. We make a wide selection of great-tasting cereals specifically with you and your family in mind — so everyone can head out the door smiling.
That way, from grains to greatness you and your family are better prepared to be at your best every day.
That's our passion, and our promise.